Worker safety is the first priority. Edgerton employees have extensive training in identifying and addressing safety hazards.
Formerly tainted sites are modified so they can be utilized in a productive and safe fashion by future users.
These projects have the potential to be very expensive, and our knowledge of appropriate remedial techniques coupled with early planning assures an effective outcome.
There are many former industrial properties which have been blighted by past operations leaving behind polluted soils and groundwater.
Contamination at these brownfield sites can be remediated with approved techniques such as capping with impermeable soil, in situ stabilization, or exporting hazardous materials.
Environmental remediation is challenging work. As a Wisconsin DNR Green Tier company, we help reclaim brownfield sites. Clients rely on us in the early stages of environmental remediation projects to help coordinate the design with smart means and methods of construction. With Edgerton’s extensive knowledge and experience, we can offer a smooth path through the process.